Flight plans

Flight plans

We know how important it is to make smooth travel arrangements. That's why we provide you with comprehensive and up-to-date flight schedules on our website. These are specifically designed to help you plan your journey and offer you even greater flexibility. Whether you're looking for the best connections, keeping an eye on departure times or exploring alternative routes, you'll find all the relevant information at a glance. So you can plan your journey with confidence and certainty.

Departure airport Day Flight time arrival/departure Flight times apply until Changed flight times Flight time departure/arrival Airline Flight number last direct flight there/back Flight duration approx.
Hamburg (HAM) Sunday 09:25h - 13:30h until Sun, 23.03.25 from Sun, 30.03.25: 11:40h - 15:50h Condor EN1446 Sunday, 27.04.2025 05:05h
Hamburg (HAM) Tuesday 11:25h - 15:40h 24.12.,31.12.,07.01. from Tue, 25.02.25: 11:25h - 15:40h Eurowings EW7528 Tuesday, 25.03.2025 05:05h
Hamburg (HAM) Wednesday 09:05h - 13:10h until Wed, 26.03.25 from Wed, 02.04.25: 08:50h - 13:00h Condor EN1446 Wednesday, 30.04.2025 05:05h
Hamburg (HAM) Saturday 07:25h - 11:40h until Sat, 29.03.25 - - Eurowings EW7528 Saturday, 29.03.2025 05:05h
Berlin (BER) Wednesday 08:30h - 12:55h until Wed, 26.03.25 - - Easyjet U2 5381 Wednesday, 26.03.2025 05:25h
Berlin (BER) Saturday 11:25h - 15:50h until Sat, 29.03.25 Easyjet U2 5381 Saturday, 29.03.2025 05:25h
Amsterdam (AMS) Friday 06:00h - 09:45h until Fri, 28.03.25 - - Transavia HV5641 Friday, 28.03.2025 04:45h
Düsseldorf (DUS) Sunday 07:25h - 11:10h only on Sun, 05.01.25 (Return flight on 05.01.) (12:00h - 17:40h) Eurowings EW9544 unique 04:40h
Düsseldorf (DUS) Tuesday 07:25h - 11:10h from 11.02. - 25.03.25 from Tue, 01.04.25: 11:55h - 15:40h Eurowings EW9544 Tuesday, 29.04.2025 04:40h
Düsseldorf (DUS) Tuesday 07:25h - 11:10h 12.+19.11.24 and: 24.+31.12.24, 07.01.25 Single flight days... Eurowings EW9544 unique 04:40h
Düsseldorf (DUS) Saturday 10:00h - 13:40h until Sat, 29.03.25 from Sat, 05.04.25: 12:35h - 16:15h Condor DE1426 Saturday, 26.04.2025 04:40h
Düsseldorf (DUS) Saturday 11:50h - 15:35h until Sat, 29.03.25 from Sat, 05.04.25: 12:45h - 16:30h Eurowings EW9544 Saturday, 03.05.2025 04:40h
Düsseldorf (DUS) Saturday 07:25h - 11:10h only on Sat, 28.12.24 (Return flights: 4,5.o.7.1.) always 12:00h - 17:40h Eurowings EW9544 unique 04:40h
Frankfurt (FRA) Sunday 09:50h - 13:25h until Sun, 23.03.25 from Sun, 30.03.25: 12:40h - 16:20h Condor DE1406 Sunday, 27.04.2025 04:50h
Frankfurt (FRA) Wednesday 09:40h - 13:15h until Wed, 26.03.25 from Wed, 02.04.25: 09:50h - 13:30h Condor DE1406 Wednesday, 30.04.2025 04:50h
Frankfurt (FRA) Saturday 09:40h - 13:25h until Sat, 29.03.25 - - Discover Air 4Y310 Saturday, 29.03.2025 04:50h
Stuttgart (STR) Tuesday 06:10h - 09:50h from 25.02. - 25.03.25 from Tue, 01.04.25: 08:25h - 12:05h Eurowings EW2268 Tuesday, 29.04.2025 04:40h
Stuttgart (STR) Tuesday 06:10h - 09:50h 12.+19.11.24 and: 24.+31.12.24, 07.01.25 Single flight days Eurowings EW2268 unique 04:40h
Stuttgart (STR) Saturday 12:20h - 16:00h until Sat, 29.03.25 from Sat, 05.04.25: 09:00h - 12:40h Eurowings EW2268 Saturday, 03.05.2025 04:40h
Munich (MUC) Wednesday 06:30h - 10:20h until Wed, 30.04.25 - - Condor EN1416 Wednesday, 30.04.2025 04:55h
Zurich (ZRH) Sunday 09:00h - 12:35h until Sun, 23.03.25 from Sun, 30.03.25 09:50h - 13:20h Edelweiss Air WK232 Sunday, 08.07.2025 04:30h
Zurich (ZRH) Thursday 11:50h - 15:25h Only: 19.+26.12. + 02.01. - - Edelweiss Air WK232 unique 04:30h

Here you will find the links to the relevant airlines:


The flight schedules and travel information provided on this website are for general guidance and planning purposes only. We endeavour to keep all information as up-to-date and accurate as possible, but flight times, itineraries and other details are subject to change without notice. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided.

Please check the details of your flight with the respective airline or your travel provider to ensure that all information is correct and up to date. We recommend that you regularly check the latest flight information, especially in the event of last-minute changes or cancellations.